22 “Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23
I am so thankful for each new day.
When I taught high school English full time, one of my favorite parts was that each day was a new opportunity. If things weren’t going so well, I would tell my students that we would try it again tomorrow. And if my lesson plan was a flop, I knew that tomorrow I could try something different. As I got to know my students and my material better, I got to try a variety of approaches and strategies.
As a mom I feel like the same privilege is offered me. Each day brings new challenges, and I try this or that in an attempt to better teach, train, or guide my children. When the candy promised to my 3-year-old-in- poddy-training has clearly backfired (thanks a lot, Grandma), I go back to the drawing board for a new plan. When I count a third day in a row of rushed mornings ending in yelling and tears – I take a deep breath and re-evaluate our morning routine and what needs to be changed.
This week I had made arrangements for my children, so that I could work – alone – on our new house. I was excited about how productive my afternoon/evening would be helping my husband. We are finally getting within a few months of moving and my excitement is growing. But we have to keep moving, really kick it into gear, so that we can make our current goal. Surprise, surprise – my day did not go as planned. At the end of it some things had been accomplished, but it looked nothing like I had hoped. You could barely detect our progress and, of course, the to-do list had lengthened with the day.
I came home frustrated and tired. But as I took a deep breath and a look at my list, I also took solace in the truth – tomorrow is a new day.
Each day the Lord's mercies are new and his compassion never fails. We are not consumed (though it may feel like it sometimes), because he holds us up and gives us second chances – over and over again. My mistakes, my sin, my failed plans can go down with the sun. Tomorrow is a new day. With my faithful Lord, I will learn from yesterday, be renewed and forgiven, and try it again tomorrow.
I am so thankful for each new day.
Lord, thank you for each new day that you faithfully and mercifully give to us. Thank you that we are not consumed in our mistakes and sin; that we can daily surrender ourselves to you and, in turn, live a life free to celebrate your love and share that love with others. Help us to teach our children about the forgiveness and mercy that you bring to us with each new day. Amen.