Monday, June 18, 2012

Help - I Need Somebody!

"...and call on me in the day of trouble;
    I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”
-Psalm 50:15

My husband would be the first to tell you that I ask for help way too much, especially when it comes to household appliances.  He would also be the first to tell you that when I ask for help, it means that I really want him to solve the problem/issue at hand so I can move on with my task or television program.  Because the above statement is truth, my husband is not always ready and willing to help when I call.

On the other hand, my daughter Olivia demands help.  Her requests for help are short phrases containing action verbs like, "Open," or "More," or "Up."  If her requests for help are not met, she is persistent and continues to ask until her need is met or mom/dad persistently say no.  

I am currently in a position at work where I am asked to help.  A teacher may need me to run a report or my principal may need certain data analyzed.  There are days when I am bombarded by requests for help, and some days where no help is requested/needed.

How often do you ask for help?  Who do you ask?  Do you get the help you need?

As His dear children, our Heavenly Father invites us to ask for help.  While this verse speaks to calling on God during our times of trouble, we know that God listens to all of our requests and knows our needs and wants.  I know there are times I wait to ask for help.  Sometimes I believe I know better or believe the situation to be under control, only to have it blow up in my face.  There needs to be less of me and more God.  Help - I need you God - not just anybody - only you!

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for encouraging us to turn to you in times of trouble.  Thank you for your promise of deliverance, forgiveness and grace.  Continue to hold our families close to you.  Amen


1 comment:

  1. What an encouraging though- God invites us to ask Him for help! What an AMAZING God we serve!

    Thanks, too, for your encouraging comment on my post today. We must continue to fight for what is right!


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