Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Feathering our nests

Even the sparrow has found a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself,
where she may have her young--
a place near your altar,
O Lord Almighty, my King and my God.
Psalm 84:3

Earlier this year in Cub Scouts, Ethan built a bird house.  He proudly brought it home, and we put it up on the maple tree in our front yard.  That was in October, so he knew that he'd probably have to wait until Spring to see if a bird would make it home.  Sure enough, around April, we saw a pair of nuthatches darting in and out of the house with various twigs and sprigs of brown grass.  Lately, if we stand next to the bird house, we can hear the "peep peep peep" of the baby birds inside, and can see mom and dad nuthatch bringing their babies food.  It's been such a pleasure watching these birds make Ethan's bird house their home!

As mothers, we work hard to make our homes wonderful places for our children to grow.  We're very much like the nuthatches in Ethan's birdhouse, making sure our houses are clean and warm, changing the sheets, doing their laundry, bringing our children food for their tummies.  We hover like those mama birds, protecting our children as best we can from harm and danger.

One of the most important things about making a home for our children is bringing them the Word of God.  What better way to bring them warmth and comfort?  I love to hear my children reciting Bible verses, and praying with them at night.  There's nothing better than to hear them proclaim their love for Jesus--and knowing that I have participated in helping grow that faith.  It's the biggest pleasure that I'll ever has as their mother.  My nest may be messy at times, and we may just have boxed mac and cheese for dinner, but I know, as their mom, that having the Word of God in our home is the most important thing.  

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this vocation you have given me, to take care of my family.  Be with me as I daily take care of our home, making it a warm and safe place for my children to grow.  I praise You for Your Word, and for the comfort that it brings us in the home we live in.  Help me to continue to bring that Word to my children.  In Your name we pray, Amen.

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