Friday, September 16, 2011


“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18

Today I was talking to my daughter and I could see all at once that she is being transformed right before my very eyes from a little girl, to a young lady. She told me with dazzle and excitement in her eyes how she is old enough to be a part of our junior youth group at church, that she has been waiting forever to start band and playing the clarinet now just makes her so happy, how this year she gets to be an acolyte in church services, what fun it is to be on the school’s volleyball team, how awesome it is that she is old enough to add jazz to her dance classes, and how she can hardly believe that she will be starting confirmation in just one more year. So many big steps in her life are happening right now, and all the while she is growing and learning and maturing. She is being transformed.

As we all know, this transformation that my daughter is going through right now is just the beginning of many steps of transformation that she will go through during her life. There will be the teenage years, high school, college, career, marriage, children, and someday even grandchildren and retirement. Her life is and will continue to be one constant transformation as she continues her earthly journey.

In 2 Corinthians 3:18 we read that we “are being transformed into His likeness.” This transformation goes well beyond the transformations that I have been talking about and is much more valuable to us as well. The transformation that our text is talking about is the sanctification that we have as believers of Jesus, our Savior. Through faith, we become part of God’s glory that is made ours through the salvation won for us by Jesus on the cross.

It is such a blessing as a parent to watch your child grow. Even more, it is a blessing to watch your child grow in their faith. As we encourage and nurture our children to grow in their faith and watch them being transformed by God’s glory, we must also take the time needed to continue nurturing and feeding and growing our faith so that we too are continuing to be transformed. If we are not making sure that our faith is being nurtured, it makes it not only difficult, but impossible for us to help nurture the faith lives of our children.

We are all a work in progress, “being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory.” This gift of faith comes from God alone, and we will continue to be a constant transformation as we continue our faith journey.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for sharing Your glory with us, through Your Son Jesus Christ. Help us Lord to remain faithful to nurturing our faith and the faith of our children as we all are being transformed into Your likeness. Amen.

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