“Your kingdom come.” Matthew 6:10
Many of us have been in the car with our family on our way to a fun destination and heard the words, “are we there yet?” streaming from one of the back seats. The excitement and anticipation of your arrival takes over any patience the child may have. They can hardly wait to get there and enjoy!
When I was a child, I can vividly remember a time when I very much felt this way about heaven. I was so excited to get to heaven and start enjoying all that it had to offer. In anticipation and eagerness, I would pray every night that Jesus would come and that He would take me to heaven to live with Him. Now, I was a very happy and healthy girl, so this was not me seeking to get away from life here on earth. I was just truly and genuinely that excited to spend my eternity in heaven.
As I have gotten older I find that I do not think this way as much as I did then, but shouldn’t we? So often we begin to look at death and the “end times” with fear and dread. In reality there is nothing for us to fear or dread, rather in faith we should look forward to the time when Jesus will come and take us to heaven to live with Him.
In the second petition of the Lord’s Prayer, we pray for this very thing. “Your kingdom come.” Martin Luther explores what we are praying for in this petition in Luther’s Small Catechism. Luther says this, “We do not pray that God’s kingdom of power would come, because that is already present everywhere, but we ask God to…
A. Give us His Holy Spirit so that we believe His Word and lead godly lives
as members of His kingdom of grace;
B. Bring many others into His kingdom of grace;
C. Use us to extend His kingdom of grace;
D. Hasten the coming of His kingdom of glory.
“Hasten the coming of His kingdom of glory.” Amen! Are we there yet? No, but the time of our arrival in heaven will come. Until then, we can continue to look forward to that day with eagerness and excited anticipation. As we do so, we pray that God will give us His Holy Spirit so we believe His Word, lead godly lives, bring others to Him, and help to extend His kingdom.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You that we have an eternity in Your heavenly kingdom to look forward to. As we eagerly await the time we will arrive there, send us Your Holy Spirit to strengthen our faith and keep us strong and steadfast in the work You give us to do. Amen!
Many of us have been in the car with our family on our way to a fun destination and heard the words, “are we there yet?” streaming from one of the back seats. The excitement and anticipation of your arrival takes over any patience the child may have. They can hardly wait to get there and enjoy!
When I was a child, I can vividly remember a time when I very much felt this way about heaven. I was so excited to get to heaven and start enjoying all that it had to offer. In anticipation and eagerness, I would pray every night that Jesus would come and that He would take me to heaven to live with Him. Now, I was a very happy and healthy girl, so this was not me seeking to get away from life here on earth. I was just truly and genuinely that excited to spend my eternity in heaven.
As I have gotten older I find that I do not think this way as much as I did then, but shouldn’t we? So often we begin to look at death and the “end times” with fear and dread. In reality there is nothing for us to fear or dread, rather in faith we should look forward to the time when Jesus will come and take us to heaven to live with Him.
In the second petition of the Lord’s Prayer, we pray for this very thing. “Your kingdom come.” Martin Luther explores what we are praying for in this petition in Luther’s Small Catechism. Luther says this, “We do not pray that God’s kingdom of power would come, because that is already present everywhere, but we ask God to…
A. Give us His Holy Spirit so that we believe His Word and lead godly lives
as members of His kingdom of grace;
B. Bring many others into His kingdom of grace;
C. Use us to extend His kingdom of grace;
D. Hasten the coming of His kingdom of glory.
“Hasten the coming of His kingdom of glory.” Amen! Are we there yet? No, but the time of our arrival in heaven will come. Until then, we can continue to look forward to that day with eagerness and excited anticipation. As we do so, we pray that God will give us His Holy Spirit so we believe His Word, lead godly lives, bring others to Him, and help to extend His kingdom.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You that we have an eternity in Your heavenly kingdom to look forward to. As we eagerly await the time we will arrive there, send us Your Holy Spirit to strengthen our faith and keep us strong and steadfast in the work You give us to do. Amen!
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