Monday, April 16, 2012


“He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.” Luke 8:24b-25

Over the last couple of days, my family has been closely watching the weather. Violent storms have been predicted. Having lived in Nebraska, Iowa, and Missouri, we have been concerned that the forecasted storms might affect family and friends still located in these areas.

Storms can be devastating. While living in Nebraska, we endured days of bitter cold when the power went out after a major blizzard. When we lived in Missouri, a tornado touched down near our home. It caused massive destruction in the little town just 3 miles away. Storms are frightening. They can destroy homes, life-long memories, and even take lives.

One of my favorite Bible stories is of Jesus calming that storm on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus and the disciples were out in a boat when a storm arises without warning. Jesus is, amazingly, sleeping in the back of the boat while the disciples start to panic, fearing they will not make it out of the situation alive. They wake Jesus, who gets up and rebukes the wind and the waves. Peace is restored. Then, this is my favorite part, Jesus rebukes the disciples. He asks them, “Where is your faith?” The disciples are left wondering who this man Jesus really is.

I find it mystifying that the disciples would be so surprised that Jesus took care of the raging storm. They had been with him 24/7, and they had seen him perform numerous miracles. They had to have some idea of who he was and of what he was capable. He was right there with them when they faced danger. Yet they display a complete lack of faith, and in the end they are puzzled.

When I read the last part of this story, I feel it is written just for me. We face many storms in this life. Illness and loss, financial struggle, job insecurity, and parenting issues are a few of the storms we encounter. When faced with these storms, I worry. Sometimes my soul grieves, wondering if God cares about my day-to-day struggles.

Then I read Christ’s convicting question, “Where is your faith?” I know who God is. Scripture is full of descriptions of his love, his mighty deeds, his faithful acts, his sacrifice for my benefit. In the Word I have the promise that he is with me always. Yet, I forget and I fail to trust him.

When the worst storms rage within me, I return to these verses. Just as Jesus calmed the stormy sea with his spoken word, the written word speaks to me and my stormy soul experiences peace.

Dear Father, I place all of my struggles before your throne. Give me peace. Grant me your Spirit, that I might have faith that trusts through the storms.

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