Matthew 6:25-34
I was sitting in the mother’s room at church trying to get my 6-month-old to eat. He is suppose to be taking a bottle, but he’s not cooperating.
Pastor just started the sermon and I can hear it over the speaker in the room. He’s talking about all the unrest that has been in the news lately. Dictators, violence, a broken economy, jobs, the price of gas shoots up…
“You may worry… will you have a job tomorrow? How will you pay for the things you need?...”
I joke with myself, ‘Well, thanks, Pastor – I wasn’t worried about it, but now that you mention it... :)’
My baby boy continues to fight the bottle. He plays with it, drinks a little, changes his mind and pushes it away. Oh, come on, Eddie… you’re killing me! I’ve been so frustrated with this process of moving from nursing my baby to bottle-feeding. How do I know if he’s getting what he needs?
“The world is an uncertain place,” Pastor continues. “Many of us wonder what tomorrow might hold..”
‘I’m really not that worried about that stuff, for some reason,’ I think to myself. I'm aware of all of it, but I guess I’ve been thinking about other things lately.
Pastor reads from the Gospel, “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?”
Eddie is not eating. Argh! What am I going to do? Should I nurse him, despite my intentions to get him to take a bottle regularly? I don’t want him to starve. Surely he’ll just eat when he gets hungry. I don’t know what to do…
“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.”
Your heavenly father knows that you need them. Eddie sits in my lap and I turn him towards me. He smiles at me. Peace sweeps over me – My heavenly father knows what he needs. And he will provide for my baby boy. I’ve been consumed lately with this issue, and while things haven’t gone smoothly, it could probably be worse. Eddie seems to be mostly fine – all the signs indicated that he is not, in fact, starving.
“It’s about trust,” Pastor is saying. “It’s about trusting in the Father.”
Oh, that sounds good. That sounds way better than worrying. I’m too tired to worry about this. I look at my healthy boy and realize this too shall pass - this time of uncertainty. I’m going to give this to God. He will handle it much better than me.
Lord, thank you for your reassurance that you will take care of my needs, and the needs of my family. I worry about my kids, but when I trust in you I find peace. Lord, help me remember throughout my day that you know what they need and will take care of us. Amen.