Raising children is expensive work. Think back to when you were expecting your first child. Think of all the things you needed to compile in the nursery: crib, changing table, dresser, monitor, diapers, clothes, blankets, sheets. The list went on and on. Your friends and family probably threw you a baby shower, helping you with all of those provisions. Once the baby came along, though, there were still things to take care of. A newborn goes through multiple diapers a day, sometimes dozens. As the baby grows, there's food to buy, and of course, clothes and shoes. At least in our house, it seems like there's always something that the kids need.
There are times when my husband and I sit down with the budget, looking at the amount in his paycheck and the piano lesson money I contribute. Then we look at the amount of bills--the mortgage, the electricity, the water, the doctor--there are times when we wonder how we'll pay them all, let alone have enough money for groceries, OR the new shoes Ethan needs OR the pants Zach has to have because he's torn the knees in all the other ones OR the asthma medicine Emma has to have. It seems so very hopeless.
The one thing we always have to remind ourselves is that the Lord provides. He knows our needs. He sees them before we even get a chance to figure out the monthly budget. I love this reminder found in the book of Job:
"But as for me, I would seek God,
And I would place my cause before God;
Who does great and unsearchable things,
Wonders without number.
He gives rain on the earth
And sends water on the fields,
So that He sets on high those who are lowly,
And those who mourn are lifted to safety."
Job 5:8-11
The Lord provides. Every time. It may not be in the way we expect, but every time we are worried about groceries, we never go hungry. Every time we are concerned about getting that mortgage paid, we find space in the budget to make the payment. The Lord is faithful to us. He never leaves us, never forsakes us. As a parent, that brings me so much comfort. I know that my husband and I will be able to provide for our children, because our Heavenly Father is providing for us. What a blessing!
Dear Father in Heaven, We praise you for caring for us so. We are so thankful that you are watching over us, making sure our needs are met, every day. Help us to look to you when we struggle, during those times we don't know how we'll get through. Grant us patience as you show us your provisions. In Your name we pray, Amen.
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