For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Romans 10:13
My middle daughter loves her name. I know this because when we are at the store or in a restaurant and someone calls to a friend of the same name, her entire face lights up. I know this also because of the fact that she writes her name on everything. Any cardboard box, several of her siblings’ art projects, and the white bookshelf in her room, all belong to EriN, or NirE depending on how her brain is working that day. And, while writing her name sometimes gets her into trouble, it is the one word she knows for sure how to write, and she does it with great pride. Now, pride or not, as you can imagine, I am not a big fan of writing on the furniture, so magic erasers have become a must have in our house, but even a magic eraser can’t erase everything. The oak dresser that Erin signed her name on will be hers forever.
God loves his name too. I know this because he writes it on everything. The heavens and the earth bear witness to the joy God takes in creating, not just the birds of the air and the beasts of the field, but us too; especially us. God has written his name on you and on each one of your children. He has called you by name; you are his, (Isaiah 43:1). We rejoice in the promise that there is no magic eraser that can change that. When God writes his name on something, it is his forever.
Through Jesus, the only thing erased is our sin. Because of his death and resurrection, even when we find ourselves getting into trouble over and over again, we find forgiveness over and over again. Jesus’ name is our hope. It is our salvation, and his face lights up every time he hears it. For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved!
Call on his name today at work or at play, for comfort, in joy, and with confidence. Thanks be to God that his name, and the name of his Son, Jesus, are written on us forever!
Jesus, I call on you today to help me teach my children about the value you placed on them when you called them by name. Forgive me when I try to erase your name from my heart through thought, word, or deed. I praise you for the salvation that my family has received through your death and resurrection. May your name be forever called upon in my home. Amen.
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