Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A devotion for the night before school begins

Search me, O God, and know my heart; 
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Psalm 139: 23

At our home visit last week, my son's teacher gave us this devotion.  I thought it was so wonderful, I wanted to share it with all of you!

(Author Unkown)

Materials you will need:
-Baby/Toddler  pictures of your children
-Book bag and/or other school supplies
-New school clothing
-A Bible

Look at the pictures when the child(ren) were younger.  Talk about the growth that has taken place.  Talk about the changes.  
You are taller and stronger.  What can you do now that you couldn't do when you were a baby?  You can do so many things because your body works so well.  Hold the Bible open to Psalm 139 as you talk about what God says.  In the Bible David was talking about how God had made him.  He said, "I will praise You, God.  You made me in such a wonderful way!"  God made you in a wonderful way.  Show me some things your hands can do.  What can you do with your feet?  Now God is giving you a chance to go to school and learn more about Him and about how to use your body. Let's talk to God about your first day of school:  Heavenly Father, tomorrow ___________________ is going to begin school.  Be with him/her and help him/her to grow.  Thank you for the wonderful way You made our bodies.  We are glad You love us and have made us your dear children. Amen.


Suggest that the child tell about the school supplies that have been bought for the beginning of school.  God has blessed us with so many tools we can use for learning.  What is your favorite supply that we bought?  What is your favorite color among the clothes we bought?  You may hold your favorite tools or clothing for our prayer:
Lord God, You are good to us!  Look at all the blessings _____________ has to take to school tomorrow.  Help him/her to use them carefully.  We remember that You have also given us our best blessing, Jesus.  Help us remember that He is with us tomorrow!  Amen.

Heavenly Father, today ____________________ begins another year of school.  I am apprehensive.  Will the teacher understand him/her?  Love him/her?  Nurture him/her?  Will he/she develop friendships that bring out her/his best characteristics?  Will he/she look eagerly for knowledge?  Calm my apprehensions and make me secure in the faith that you will be with me in the parenting of my child.  I praise you for dedicated teachers and staff and for a school that reflects your love.  And most of all I praise you for your gift to me, ___________________, your dear child.  Amen.

God bless all of you as you begin a new school year!

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