For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. Philippians 2:13
7am: Daughter wakes up, wants breakfast.
8am: Boys wake up, want breakfast
9am: First load of laundry, do dishes, get laundry on the line.
10am: Clean up around the house, sweep floors.
11am: Finish getting laundry on the line outside.
12pm: Lunch time, put the dog outside
1pm: Start folding laundry
2pm: Pick green beans, weed around the house
3pm: Get laundry off the line
4pm: Put laundry away
5pm: Supper time
6pm: Clean up from supper, sweep again
7pm: Collect garbage, clean cat boxes
8pm: Get kids to bed
This is a picture of my day today. Work, work, work. We, as moms, work all day long. Some of us stay at home. Some of us work outside the home, and have more work to do when we get home at night. Either way, our work never seems to get done. When we get one mess cleaned up, we turn around, and there's another mess waiting for us. The work is there when we go to sleep, and is still there when we wake up.
It's easy to forget why we do this work day in and day out. Of course we love our families and want to make sure they are happy and healthy. But it's hard to feel appreciated sometimes. As mothers, though, this is the vocation that the Lord has given us. See our Bible verse for today? He takes pleasure in our work.
Every moment, every step of the day, the Lord is working within us. He's there when our kids have an argument, and we tell them to love each other and forgive. He's there when the little one scrapes her knee, watching while we comfort with a gentle hand. His work is in us.
Remember, though, that it is not because of OUR work that we are saved. It is because of GOD'S work. Throughout the day, the work that God is doing in our hearts--the work that He accomplished through Christ on the cross--that is what saves us. Our work glorifies him, and brings Him pleasure.
The knowledge of that brings a spring to my step, as I go about my work of being a mother!
We pray: Dear Heavenly Father, Mothering is hard work. There are days when we don't stop from the time we get up until the time we lay down to sleep at night. We praise You that you are there with us, every step of the day. Help us to remember that You are working within us, as we are working within our homes. In Your name we pray, Amen
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