Sunday, May 22, 2011

Be Still

Be Still, and Know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Life brings change, a lot of change, constant change, and a whole lotta out of our control change.  For weeks I have been preparing my instrumental and piano students for their recital, to take place today.  Yesterday I spent the entire afternoon baking 8 different batches of cookies and other goodies to serve at the recital.  This morning I got all my needed supplies ready and took them over to the school in preparation for the recital.  I spent the afternoon celebrating the graduation of a local high schooler.  When I returned home I found that we had no power.  The recital was supposed to happen in just over an hour.  But if power was out at my house, that meant it was out at the school too.  I quickly called the principal and he made plans with me on what to do.  Ultimately we decided the best option was to cancel.  Not only did we not have power but the weather outside was really bad.

Isn't it so frustrating when you work hard on something only to have it completely fall apart?  Sure, it's not the worst thing that can happen in life.  But when you work hard on something and you stress about making it great and it doesn't happen it doesn't feel good!  Although people mean well, I'm always entertained when someone says "This too shall pass."  As moms we encounter a lot of situations that are frustrating, exhausting, and overwhelming.  No they aren't cancer or bankruptcy or something devastating like that.  But in the moment they are a lot to handle and they cause stress!

How awesome is it to know that there is one plan that absolutely will not change, God's plan for our salvation.  There are so few guarantees in our lives, but this is one you can bank on.  I know that on a day like today when I have dealt with a lot of  "out of my control" circumstances, it's nice to have a peace about knowing where my future absolutely lies.  Perhaps remembering to "Be Still and know that I am God" will help me as I encounter the big and little situations that life sends my way.

Dear God,
Today as life doesn't go the way I plan, please help me to handle that in a way that is a positive example for my children.  Thank you for being the God that doesn't change, for providing us with scripture that doesn't change, and for securing salvation for us.  


  1. Christine....
    This is so true in many aspects of our lifes including relationships you work so hard at which fall apart. It doesnt feel good at all. And I know "This too shall pass" but still very hard to handle. So thank you for the reminder that God's plan is there for us. ~Karen


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