Thursday, May 12, 2011

Taking Time for Interruptions

She had heard the reports about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his garment. For she said, "If I touch even his garments, I will be made well."
Mark 5:27-28

Do you ever feel like the whole day's checklist got sabotaged by interruptions? If you're like me, sometimes this makes me frustrated, discouraged, and even angry at times. If I call someone at home, I have even made a habit of asking "is this a bad time?" before launching into conversation, because I know how disturbing interruptions can be! I can tell my 2-year old to "go play now" and "mommy needs to get this done," but it never fails that I will still get interrupted several times into the course of my task with his needs or wants. "Juice, mommy. Hit the ball, mommy. Snack, mommy. Run with me, mommy?"

Jesus had interruptions too, and in Mark, we learn about a woman who interrupted the Master on his way to perform a healing. From the expanded context, I don't believe she was trying to interrupt him. There was a large crowd "pressing around him," and so she figured just touching the hem of his garments would be enough to indiscreetly heal her without causing a scene or disturbing his important mission. Instead, Jesus teaches us all a lesson on the significance of taking time for what some would consider interruptions. He stops and confronts her, assures her of healing and peace, and praises her for her faith.

How can we become more Christ-like in our daily tasks when God provides us with interruptions? Is the phone call from the neighbor a chance to provide encouragement to another mom who is lonely? Is the urgent request from a toddler God using us to reassure him of peace and provision? At the end of this day, join me in reflecting back and thanking God for the blessing of interruptions which led us into moments of service to Him as we extended His grace and love to others.

Father God, You are the author and perfecter of my life and of this day. You have ordained each day of my life and written it in your book before even one came to be. Help me to be thankful in the midst of life's interruptions, and give me strength to extend love and grace to the people you are placing in my path for your purposes. Thank you for using me as part of your plan!
In Jesus' name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this beautiful and true reminder of what God is doing behind the scenes when we think we know what we are supposed to be accomplishing. As always, Heidi, God is using you for His glory!

    A great book I am currently reading that has challenged me to the core on learning to be thankful in ALL things--even the interruptions--is "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp. LOTS of wisdom for motherhood and for life!

    Blessings to you, my sweet friend!


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