Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Stuff Of This World

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39

Springtime is the busiest time of year for us. In the past, our kids have really only been involved in one major extracurricular activity during the year--dance. But when spring comes around tee ball/softball is added. This means at least one extra practice or game a week and this year, we have two kids playing, so that is double the practices and games on top of dance. We've also started our oldest in piano lessons, and I have now turned into that person who I never wanted to be--a parent with a busy schedule due to activities.

As I thought about our schedule this past week, I didn't come to the conclusion that we were incredibly over-scheduled, nor did I consider dropping any of the activities. Thankfully, dance ends soon and we only have a short time of overlapping of activities. But I did think about what message I was sending to my children when I let the stuff of this world nudge out the precious time I usually spend discipling our children. You see, in the past few weeks, they have asked me to read them Bible stories before bed, and I am embarrassed to say that I told them no many times because I was tired and it was past their bedtime.

I haven't spent as much time in the Word as I would have liked to either. And this really bothered me when I thought about where our time was going over the past few weeks. I realized that I have let the stuff of this world become more important than my relationship with Christ. And what convicted me even more was that my kids knew it.

"Mommy, why haven't we been reading our Bible lately?" Ugghh! God was certainly speaking to me through my children. These past few weeks have made me realize that while learning how to play sports and the piano are all good activities, in no way can they replace the gift of knowing God and continually living in His grace.

Thankfully, it's that grace that allows me to be forgiven and start over . . . this time with God as my priority and not the stuff of this world.

Dear Jesus, There is nothing better than living in your grace and knowing that the Holy Spirit lives inside of me. Please help me to keep you as my number one priority and to disciple my children so that they will know you and love you as they go up against the things of this world. Amen.

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