Monday, October 3, 2011


Genesis 50:17 I ask you to forgive your brothers the sins and wrongs they have committed in treating you so badly.

So, I teach middle school kids. Yes, you read that correctly. I have devoted the last fifteen years of my ministry to working with, training up and loving on middle school kids. I don't even want to count the total number of days, minutes and seconds of my life that is.

Funny thing is I often find myself telling the kids the following gem: Excuses are like armpits....they stink. That vivid analogy, while one i would prefer to not explore, is so definitely true.

We spend hours and hours coming up with excuses for why the laundry didn't get done. Why the dishes are still in the sink. And yes, why my devotion was not posted at 12:01am this morning as is typical.

The honest to goodness truth was that I was procrastinating about writing it. I remembered on Friday and thought I would have plenty of time on Saturday. Saturday rolled around and I told myself there was Sunday. Sunday came and went and so did Monday morning. Alas, here I am frantically typing away on Monday afternoon a devotion that ought to have been written days ago.

As I sit here typing, the reality is that I am so blessed to have a God, and hopefully and dedicated following of readers, that are so willing to forgive me for my failing and accept my humble apologies for my lack of better judgement.

Lesson learned and notations made God. We cannot rely on excuses that stink to cover up our shortcomings. And how truly blessed we are to have you blessing and forgiving us.

Father, we thank you so much for forgiving us for our failings. We thank you for loving us through our faults and blessing our lives in ways that we truly don't deserve. Lord remind us continually that we need you in our lives. Amen.

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