"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
~Psalm 73:26~
Motherhood can be quite a rollercoaster ride~ full of up's and down's. When our child brings home a report card full of straight A's or scores the winning goal in the soccer game~ we beam with pride, and for that moment feel like we are doing everything right. As parents, we have expectations for ourselves and for our children. It's part of who we are as humans--we want to succeed, we want our families to prosper--and that is a great thing! But, what about those times when our children are disrespectful and disobedient and we "lose our cool" with them because of it? What about those days, and sometimes weeks, when we feel disappointed and like we are failures? That is when it is especially important to turn to God's Word for strength, reassurance, and guidance.
The Bible is full of examples of women who are called "heroes of faith." God blessed a doubting, barren, old-aged Sarah with a son from whom "came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore." By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient in the battle of Jericho. Because of "the obedience that comes from faith" Ruth, a Moabite woman, was blessed to become the ancestress of Jesus. Many times, we make these women out to be superhuman, when in reality they were sinful people just like us--their lives full of up's and down's, great achievements and utter failures. Still, in their sin, God used them to be examples to us. He blessed them for listening to His Word, walking in faith, and obeying.
It is much the same with "women of faith" in today's world. We expect ourselves to be Super-Mom's, when in reality we will never be able to be all that we want to be as wives, mothers, daughters, and friends. But, thanks be to God, that He is enough! He made us His own in baptism and through His Word and Sacrament-- He forgives, renews, and strengthens us to be everything He has called us to be in this day. He blesses our lives and the lives we touch--many times in ways we don't even see--as we walk with Him in faith.
So, we rejoice in the fact that God has called us to be examples of faith to our children! Despite the up's and down's of mothering, may we continue to say what Jesus says and do what Jesus does and boldly trust in our loving, Heavenly Father to be "the strength of our heart and portion forever." What a blessing to know that He is with us each and every step of the way!
Dear Heavenly Father, We are humbled by the precious gifts of our children that you have entrusted to our care. May we love and care for them in faith, knowing that they are ultimately Yours. Forgive us when we lose our way, and help us daily to re-focus our eyes on You--the Perfector of our faith and the perfect example of a parent. In Christ's name~ Amen.
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