Thursday, October 6, 2011

Two vs. Three

Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
-Ecclesiastes 4:12

When my husband Curt and I were married, this Bible verse was read at our wedding.  As our pastor explained in his homily, a Christian marriage includes a public commitment to remain faithful to our spouse, but is also a commitment to keep Jesus at the center and core our marriage.

As of late, this commitment of two has been tested numerous times.  Our lives are no different than our neighbors or even yours.  The demands of work, finances, and lack of time combined with the needs of our daughter can be summed up in one word, "exhaustion!"  Of course, this exhaustion and frustration leads to less patience and more arguments.  There are times we get angry with one another and say things we regret later.  There are times we forget to honor each other's feelings and do things we know upset the other person.  Sometimes, we both want to throw our hands in the air and say enough!

When relationships are broken, it is Jesus' grace, His forgiveness and His love that we need to make amends.  A Christian marriage is a blessing, and I am thankful for our Lord's promise to be in the center of it, both strengthening and preserving it. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for your promise to always be with us.  Strengthen our marriages, and keep our relationships close to you.  When we feel angry and upset, help us to love and forgive unconditionally.  Amen! 

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