Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ordinary? No, Extraordinary!

1 Chronicles 18:20a David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you."

The daily grind can be just that, a grind. I can't read the word grind without thinking about a friction that causes something to break apart into smaller pieces. The sound of the word itself brings about images of an abrasive sound.

Oh how often spring becomes a grind. The kids are ready for summer break, we parents are ready for summer break and lets face it. Some day, for me most days, are set within the premise of survival mode.

With this framework set in place, it is so easy to fall into the thought that each day is ordinary. We moms don't really do anything extraordinary. We clean, we cook, we cheer for our kids in their various sporting activities, we poke and prod our kids to make it up out of bed, to the table and then on to school. Day in and day out.

Before you hit that exit key wondering why you bothered to read this devotion. I challenge you to continue to read on.

I was stuck in that same rut until the Holy Spirit prodded me to pull out a old book from my days of studying for my masters degree. Opening the pages of this book became a clarifying moment for me.

Yes, in many ways I am ordinary. I face the same challenges in my faith life that most moms do. I face the same disobedient children as most moms and I balance, sometimes rather ineffectively, the demands on my time as most others. And yet it is in that ordinary-ness that I am through the grace of God extraordinary!

Think about it for a minute. God sent his son, Jesus, down to this earth in the form of man. Jesus in great wisdom chose 12 of the most ordinary men he could find to be a part of the most extraordinary three years in history. He chose some of the most hated men, tax collectors to be a part of ministry. He chose men who caught fish for a living to become fishers of men!

Oh how inspired I become when I realize that just as these ordinary men were a part of something extraordinary. I too, am part of something extraordinary. Each task that was once mundane and ordinary has become extraordinary. I may not see the results of the extraordinary-ness but I know it is part of a bigger plan. I don't know what plans my Father in Heaven has for my two young boys but I do know that God has made me their mom for a reason. He will bless that role and every ordinary interaction I have with them as part of an extraordinary plan for their lives.

So, just as David spoke the words of wisdom to his son Solomon, I repeat them now to you. "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God is with you."

Lord, Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to Earth. Thank you for choosing ordinary people to be part of your extraordinary plan. Thank you for loving us so much that your son willingly gave His life for mine. Give me encouragement to continue on during those grinding days where we feel broken down. In your name I pray, Amen.

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