Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Seek first

We have a special devotion today from Leanna!

Admittedly, the words below are not mine, but the Holy Spirit really spoke to me through them when I read them and I wanted to share them with you. Pastor Jeske is a man of great wisdom whom God speaks through in simple but mighty ways!

"Misplaced Priorities
One of my persistent weaknesses is that I want to author my own play, the play of my life, in which I am the star, for which I would like to write the script. I can pretty much do fine on my own for a while, and then when I encounter a problem too big for me, I holler for God to show up on "my" stage, on my cue. He generally does not oblige me at such times. Hmm. Wonder why.

In the middle of his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus helped his disciples to see how the universe really operates. The more you grasp for material things, the more in love you are with yourself and your agenda, the less you will achieve and the less satisfaction you will feel.

Here is a better way: "Seek first his [i.e., God's] kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33). Seeking God's kingdom means seeing yourself as God's creation, placed here on earth for a mission, his mission. You are in his play, and he will let you know the role he needs you to play for him.

Seeking God's righteousness means choosing to value your forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus as your most precious possession. When you have that, everything else that God thinks you need will come flowing into your life.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for the gift of your precious forgiveness.  Please help me to always Seek First your Righteousness as I go through each of my days.

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