Monday, March 12, 2012

God is my guide

"We live by faith, not by sight."
2 Corinthians 5:7

I just finished reading the book Thunder Dog.  It is a true story about a blind man, Michael Hingson, who was on the 78th floor of the World Trade Center's North Tower on September 11, 2001.  Michael was led by his guide dog, all the way down the stairs to safety below.  He and his guide dog, Roselle, survived that fateful day.

I can't even imagine walking down all those stairs on that terrifying day with all of my senses, let alone not being able to see, and depending on my dog to show me the way.  Michael had a terrific amount of trust in Roselle's guidance.  He could have given into his fears that day, he could have asked a fellow employee on his floor to guide him down.  But he didn't--he trusted in Roselle.

God has promised to lead us, just as Roselle led Michael.    Isn't there times, though, that we feel blind?  We can't see where he's leading us.  There are those days when we've got so much on our minds, so many failures we've felt, that we just can't see the cross where he took away those failures.  We grope along, left in the dark, searching for God's hand.  Sometimes we don't even trust that God can lead the way.

How wonderful, though, that God doesn't expect blind trust of us!  Instead, He reminds us how worthy of our trust He is.  Over and over, He shows his love in our salvation.  God loves us so much that He sent His Son to bear our punishment and die for our death.  Now THAT is a God we can trust to lead us to heaven, even when we don't understand His ways.  We know He's leading us to everlasting life.

Dear Heavenly Father, I don't always trust you as I should.  Sometimes I lose sight of you, and grope around in the darkness, full of fear.  Through Your Word, remind me of your love in Jesus, so I trust Your leading in my life.  In Your name I pray, Amen.

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